пятница, 21 июня 2019 г.

Ways to Select a Good-Quality Hair Extension

Basically speaking, hair extensions are used as a quick solution to transform one’s hairstyle by adding length and volume to it. This has become largely useful since the natural hair does not grow in speeds according to one would desire. Also, everybody has different types of hair, and someone who has a naturally thin hair could not expect it to just naturally grow in volume. Today we are going to learn something to select a good-quality hair extension.

Decide on the Hair Type

While buying a hair extension, you must check whether it is made up of human hair and synthetic hair. Human hair extensions not only last for a longer time but also look real and natural. Clearly, the overall champion here is the Remy hair extension. However, you still have to consider other aspects such as your available budget before picking a Remy hair.

Choose the Hair Color

Make sure that you buy hair extensions that match your hair color. This is one of the very common problems that women face while buying a hair extension. You may get some help from fashion hair experts to assist you in pointing out your natural hair color. Or, if you’re quite the experimentist, just go with whatever your taste dictates.

How to Make Bob Wig Look Natural

If you are bored with long hair style, it is good time for you to try bob wig. Applying a wig so that one achieves a natural look is the key to wearing any type of wig. But some people will find bob wig not easy to style and look unnatural. Here are the steps for you to make bob wigs look natural.

You should clip all hairs back from the edges of the wig so that they do not get caught up when attaching the wig to the head. This is especially important when attaching the wig with adhesive glue. For lace wigs, the lace should be trimmed as close to the hairline as possible, being careful not to damage the hairline.

Your natural hair needs to be braided or set flat and evenly against the scalp. Care should be taken to pull back all natural hair strands from the hairline. Some women choose to lay their natural hair in large soft curls against their head.

You can use an alcohol solution on a cotton swab and gently wipe any oil from the hairline. This helps to ensure a secure attachment of the wig to the skin. Whether using adhesive tape or glue, one should apply scalp protector to the scalp. For those women with hair, use a flesh-colored wig cap to protect the natural hair. The wig cap should cover all natural hair. To keep the cap in place, apply adhesive over the edge of the cap and onto the skin.

среда, 19 июня 2019 г.

Самый романтический принт этого лета - Туаль-де-Жуи. Французская нота в вашем гардеробе.

Любители романтизма и артистизма в этом сезоне получили carte blanche на наряды с принтом Туаль-де-Жуи, одним из самых утонченных летних трендов. В сегодняшней статье я коротко расскажу о том, как появилась французская ткань и как ее носить сегодня.

среда, 5 июня 2019 г.

Деним, велосипедки, казаки: Повседневный стиль принцессы Дианы сегодня в тренде

Глядя на стиль принцессы Дианы, я будто смотрю на свою современницу - оверсайз, велосипедки, белые джинсы и другие модные атрибуты этого сезона, замиксованные в стильные образы как на страницах Vogue. Давайте заглянем в гардероб ее Высочества из 90-х и, возможно, позаимствуем пару-тройку идей, как это часто делают сегодняшние дизайнеры.

Что же было в гардеробной Дианы?